Yoshito Sakuraba, is the founding artistic director of Abarukas and an award-winning choreographer. His work was seen in Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Israel, Mexico, and the U.S. He’s the winner of the International Choreographic Competition at NW Dance Project and the Choreographic Shindig at Whim W'Him in the U.S. He received Best Choreography Award at FINI Dance Festival in Italy and Audience Award at Masdanza International Contemporary Dance Festival in Spain. He's commissioned to create a work from, NW Dance Project, Whim W'Him, Bayerisches Staatsballett, DAF Rome, Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Ballet Arkansas, Ballet Des Moines II, Nimbus Dance, Lamon Dance Vancouver, LITVAKdance, Levy Dance, Graham II, Alvin Ailey/Fordham BFA, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Peabody at Johns Hopkins University, Dance Lab NY, Making Moves Dance Festival, Dance Gallery Festival/Level Up, Jamaica Performing Arts Center, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Rabbit Island Foundation/Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts and more